Advancing the Science of Relief
One of the nation’s leading clinical programs dedicated to the comprehensive care of patients with chronic pain. We believe chronic pain arises from nerve injury. Our studies begin there.
Developing more effective and safer pain treatments for patients everywhere.
Sharing the evidence that will foster a cultural transformation in our understanding of pain.
Bringing understanding and compassion to each person’s search for relief.
The Translational Pain Research Program is a specialized clinical research organization.
News Feature
Markman Recognized for Contributions to Pain Research
March 14, 2022
John Markman, M.D., has been named the 2022 Mitchell Max Scientific Award recipient for his contributions to pain research by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Markman is a professor of Neurosurgery and Neurology director of the Translational Pain Research Program, and chief of the Division of Pain Medicine.
American Academy of Neurology Conference | Boston, MA
Advances in Pain Neurology 2023 Recalibrating the Benefit/Risk Tradeoffs for Pain Relievers
April 22, 2023
John Markman, M.D., delivers a lecture on the ‘Advances in Pain Neurology 2023 Recalibrating the Benefit/Risk Tradeoffs for Pain Relievers’ in the American Academy of Neurology Conference in Boston, MA.
“This is something rare, even among top university pain programs.”
— American Pain Society, Center of Excellence Award